Friday, April 17, 2009

U-Blog 6

Research has said that those persons who do self reflection and evaluations are generally healthier, live longer, and are in better in touch with themselves. Typically they mean they have great control over their feelings, emotions, and thoughts. So in regards to creating and executing any programs one should always reflect upon it and evaluate it.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

U-Blog 5

The last couple assignments have very interesting, I did not realize there are so many ways to learn that have been research and documented. But the most interested concept is the Pod Cast learning article I read. This article uses Pod Casting series to teach Chinese to English students for free. If this type of technology is helpful and has positive results then it will be interesting to see if the same concept can be used not just languages but possibly math, science, history, business, medical subjects, and even engineering principals.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

U-Blog 4

I have always wonder why college education was so different from high school.
After reading about adragogy and pedagogy I know the pivotal difference. It
really is the way professors teach their students. In K-12 most teachers used
the teacher directed experience approach for learning new subject matter. In
the world of higher education, the practical task orientated approach is used.
The professor’s expect you as a student to read and research your studies more
own your own. For me this was the biggest adjustment I had to make. But that
understand the point and the logical behind it; i feel like I will also be a
better student for it.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


At first I did not see the point of taking these learning style tests. But, I realize that our readings have been geared toward creating and designing training tutorials; and knowing the different ways people learn is very useful.


I did not think there was so much a person could write about teaching people how to learn. But I liked the instructional cycle, it really does break things down. What I liked the most is the stress upon assessing what is needed to be learned so you don’t waste time.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

S-Blog “Thoughts on Training Senor Citizens Prt2”

I mention earlier the words “practice” and “training” secessions. Let’s called them either development secessions or seminars; people often use words interchangeably I don’t agree it confuses the meaning of words. The difference between “practice” and “training” is important to note here. When creating these development seminars and secessions for Senior Citizens we need to understand that we must break things down into small simple steps. In other words keeping in small and simple steps (KISSS). Here is my proof ask any sport coach from any sport to explain the difference between practice and training. The point is you should not train a skill you have not yet learned; you practice first to acquire the skill. Once you have obtained it then you trained to perfect it. Our development secessions should work the same way. I leave you with this …is it more important for racer to start or finish a race? Hint all skills mature through experience only few mature with time.

U-Blog “Defining CPU-Capability, aPtitude, Understanding”

Capability-is the mental, physical, and or social process of performing any given skill. Aptitude-is the time it takes to learn and the different ways a person does learn (sum it up intelligence). Understanding –is simply applying the skill or using your intelligence to the best of your capability. Some people call this being smart…I totally agree!

S-Blog “Thoughts on Training Senior Citizens Prt1”

There is capability, aptitude, and understanding. These three traits are needed when learning or mastering skills. In most respects people tend to have naturally one of the three; for most skills. But in the world of technology Senior Citizens seem to sometimes lack all three traits, leaving room for much hard work, stress, frustration, and defeat. Our goal as IT professionals is to implement practice and training secessions geared toward enhancing their skills based on capability, aptitude, and understanding.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Thoughts on TSTM444

This class is interesting, i have read some very awesome developments in the IT world. Job training has always been interesting to me and i knew really understood how it took place. But this class is beginning to clear things up a bit.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Just wanted to test this out!!!